Start Your Cleansing Journey With A Natural Herbal Colon Cleanse Detox. Start With Smart Cleanse.
Every detox journey should start with a gentle colon cleansing.
When you purchase our Smart Cleanse you will begin eliminating waste from your body, restoring vital health to your organs so they can absorb nutrients and flush fat naturally. Use Smart Cleanse to kick start your body's ability to burn fat.
When your order from arrives, open up the box, take out Lumen Naturals Smart Cleanse and read the Supplement Facts and Suggested Use on the label very carefully. In your hands is a powerful colon cleansing product manufactured at an FDA Registered, GMP Certified laboratory in the U.S.A. Now, open the bottle and take 2 powerful tablets, along with a refreshing beverage. It is important to follow the directions for this product.
Our natural colon cleanse is formulated to contain 11 natural herbs, fibers, and nutrients that work synergistically to purge your body from poisons and toxins that build up over time.
It's because of this effort and knowledge that we're so convinced you'll start eliminating waste and detoxifying, that we offer our 100% RISK FREE GUARANTEE! If you're not completely satisfied, simply let us know and we'll courteously refund every penny of your purchase.
One bottle is enough for a 15 day cleansing period. A perfect addition to any colon cleanse kit. For uninterrupted monthly scheduled cleanses, buy 2 bottles & get free shipping!
Cleanse Your Body. Rest Your Mind. Order Now!